Monday, July 23, 2007

Saved By Hydromorphone

Well I thought I was gonna have to go through drawls tomorrow but as it turns out I got my hands on some Hydromorphone pills. 4mg pills. Also known on the street as Dillies or Dilaudids. With Dillies (Hydromorphone) when you swollow the pill, it isnt really all that powerful, dillies are really suppose to be snorted (this is my experience with them) I've always snorted hydromorphone, it hits you quick and it gives you a high like Heroin except it last shorter, it only lasts for about 4 to 5 hours. But at least its something, so tomorrow I'm gonna rely on these 4mg Hydromorphone pills and tea to get me through the day. I got a real nice buzz off of these too. I almost think that there better than Oxy's and they are. Hydromorphone is a derivitive of thebaine. It's about 5 times more potent than morphine, and people often substitute hydromorphone for Heroin when the addict can't get Heroin. You can shoot Hydromorphone, you can snort it, and you can eat it. I always snort things if I'm not eating them. I don't like banging things (Shooting up). So with the experience I've had to far these give you a nice sedated euphoric feeling that I love. I'm gonna try to make them last as long as possible so when I wake up tomorrow and want to get high I'm probably gonna start off by snorting 1 then if I feel I need another one then I'll do another one. i gotta try not to do more than 3 tomorrow, then I'll have 2 for wednesday. I really hate being addicted to opiates its painful and you always have to think about how your gonna get your next fix, and alot of time its hard if you have no money, because you need to go find money somehow, anyway to support your habit.

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